Luqman Abdi





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Hello Bloomington District 4 Residents,

I’m Luqman Abdi, and I’m thrilled to announce my candidacy for City Council. I’ve lived in Bloomington for over a decade, and my dedication to this community has only grown stronger with time.

Having resided in Bloomington for more than 10 years, I am passionate about creating impactful change in our community through strong advocacy, public engagement, and transparent governance.

Too often, political promises lead to minimal action. That ends now. I’m committed to bringing fresh perspectives and making a tangible difference in the lives of our residents.

  1. Affordable Housing
  2. Quality Education
  3. Public Safety
  4. Combating the Opioid Epidemic

A Conversation with Luqman Abdi: "Why I Love
Bloomington and Its People"

 Hello, fellow residents of Bloomington, specifically those in District 4. Iwanted to take a moment to share from the heart why I running for City Council andwhat this community means to me.You see, Bloomington isn’t just where I live  it’s my home in the truest sense. It’s the place where my neighbors aren’t just people residing next door; they are friends, they are family. It’s where local businesses aren’t just establishments I visit they are the lifelines of our community, places where memories are made and futures are built. And speaking of futures, it’s our youth that hold the key. I can’t help but be passionate about creating opportunities for them, from education to job placement. I’ve seen the spark in their eyes when they talk about their dreams, and nothing is more rewarding than knowing I can play a part in turning those dreams into reality.

About Luqman Abdi

Greetings, Bloomington! I’m Luqman Abdi, a longtime resident and an embodiment of community service, a trait deeply ingrained in my family’s ethos. My mother, Jamila, is a dedicated interpreter for seniors, and my father, Mohamoud, extends his benevolent reach across the Twin Cities.

This zeal for community service is a family affair. My older sister Bahja has been our guiding light, inspiring all of us to focus on education and be the best versions of ourselves. My sister Muna furthers this mission by being a committed tutor. Younger brother Jamal is on track to become an airline mechanic, while one of my sisters is diligently studying to be a nurse. Then we have Said, a budding intellect and avid reader still in middle school, Sundus, a future community leader in the making, and Warsan, my youngest sister, who stands out for her indomitable confidence.

As for me, I’ve taken on roles ranging from mentor to active volunteer. I often assist students at the local library and lead mentorship programs that help young adults find internships and build resumes. Beyond my community engagement, I’m an enthusiastic Vikings fan and a lover of physical fitness. Plus, I bring linguistic diversity, speaking Portuguese, some Spanish, as well as Somali.

With this rich tapestry of experiences and skills, I aspire to represent you on the City Council. Thank you for considering me as your voice for District 4!

I want to extend special thanks to Abdirahman Mukhtar from Tusmo Times for his relentless dedication to our struggling youth. Abdirahman’s work serves as a powerful inspiration to me, driving me to be not just a leader but also a compassionate mentor for our young people. His commitment reminds us all that leadership isn’t just about vision and strategy; it’s also about genuine care and concern for the next generation. Thank you, Abdirahman, for setting a stellar example of what it means to truly invest in our community’s future.
I owe a debt of gratitude to my family members whose unwavering support has made my journey possible. Special thanks to my Uncle Abdiwahab, who serves as a foundational pillar in my life. His guidance has not only inspired me to grow but also encouraged me to try new things and gain valuable life experiences. Their belief in me fuels my drive to serve our community better. Thank you for being the wind beneath my wings.

Things Luqman Is dedicated to working on

Addressing the opioid crisis is another urgent priority that demands immediate action. While substantial funds have been allocated to combat this crisis, we’ve largely been reactive rather than proactive. I’m fully committed to working hand-in-hand with the Bloomington Police Department, who are equally dedicated to safeguarding our community. It’s time to shift our focus towards holding drug dealers accountable for circulating these perilous narcotics. Let’s go beyond band-aid solutions and invest in comprehensive strategies that include prevention, treatment, and law enforcement to genuinely make a difference. Together, we can turn the tide against this devastating epidemic.

I’m working diligently to help residents build their credit history and make the dream of homeownership a reality. This vision has been recognized by Minnesota Realtors, a testament to the transformative power of owning a home. Just as we value property rights, personal responsibility, and financial freedom, I’m committed to creating opportunities for prosperity. We’re not just constructing houses; we’re building stronger communities and empowering individuals to attain their own American Dream.

In addition to my work on credit-building and homeownership, I hold a deep appreciation for the Bloomington Police Department and the innovative programs they’ve initiated, especially the Citizens Police Program in which I’m enrolled. A special shout-out to Jerry from the Crime Prevention Unit—his tireless efforts are making a tangible difference in our community, and I’m eager to collaborate with him and the incredible staff at the department. Contrary to some perceptions painted by social media and word-of-mouth, I want to showcase to our community, particularly to our youth, how essential our police force is.

And let’s not forget the heroes in our Fire Department. Special thanks to Uly, our Fire Chief, whose dedication is unwavering. I’m committed to doing my utmost to ensure that both the Police and Fire Departments receive the wholehearted support they so richly deserve. Together, we’re not just preserving safety; we’re building a stronger, more cohesive community.